Welcoming our new charity manager


We are very happy to welcome Ann Laemmer into the new role of charity manager – people services. Ann is hugely experienced and well qualified having worked in this field and in similar settings throughout her career. She has also been an NNT volunteer for the past four years.

We are all looking forward to working closely with Ann as she leads and develops NNT people services, offering help and support to all asylum seekers and refugees who arrive in our town.

Ann will be available in office hours on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on 07907 375 284 and our advice and advocacy work will continue as previously – you can use this number to book an appointment to come along and see us on a Tuesday or Thursday. Non-urgent messages can be also be left on this number at any time.

New phone number for out of hours urgent needs
We have a new phone line which is only for emergencies: 07597 237475. Please use this if you need urgent help when Ann is not available.

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NNT and City Of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary is working to build a movement of welcome across the UK; by providing coordination and development support for networks of community groups

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